Juice pulp flax patties

Juice pulp flax patties
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Delicious, aromatic patties with salad for dinner or lunch. These flax patties with carrot and beetroot pulp serve as the best substitute for traditional ones during fast or for those who decide to give up animal products.

Flax seed is the healthiest product that contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are necessary for harmonious functioning of our body. Particularly for the female endocrine system. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory that's why the flax seed oil is so appreciated.

Flax patties are very nutritious, good for sportspeople and also for weakened body satiety. This recipe became popular for its simplicity, rapidity and delicious aroma!


1 Grind the prerinsed and dried flax seed with spices into powder in a coffee grinder.

2 Mix this powder with carrot and beetroot pulp in a big glass bowl (or just mash carrot and beetroot in a blender with a S-shaped knife). Knead the thick dough adding water carefully, adjusting its density.

3 Make patties, roll them in the mix of flax, curry and turmeric powder in 3/1/1 proportion.

Bon Appétit!

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