Yellow and fluffy descendants of Tyrannosaurus. Surprisingly, these are chickens!

In 2007, by testing proteins from the surviving T-REX femur, researchers determined that chickens are the closest living relatives of Tyrannosaurus. But despite their relationship with the toothy predator, chickens are the sweetest creatures.
Chickens and hens have their own character and habits, like cats and dogs. They can be curious, timid, outgoing, fussy, grumpy - whatever! They may even greet you when you come to them.
Research has shown that chickens can distinguish between over a hundred other chickens and humans. So they will remember how you feel about them.
Chickens are early birds, they monitor their daily routine and by a certain hour they return home together for the night.
The visual acuity of chickens is much higher than that of humans, like that of birds of prey, and the view is 360 degrees, like that of an owl.
They are very talkative. Clucking is not just meaningless sounds, it is their own language of communication. With its help, chickens can inform about the danger, about the presence of food.
And the number of chickens is 2.5 times more than the number of people on the planet. Given that they remember us, we must be careful and respectful of them.